Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Well, look. This is my laptop's err...performance...
Very noob huh...
Just wanna complain about my laptop here...its passed from my bigged brother a few years ago...
the laptop... i think it has minimum 10 years liao...
very sad...hope God or Santa give me a good laptop...

Dissapointment again

Life after exam isn't what i expected...
Well, for so many years after schooling, my parents always say this phrase before my exam...
"aiya after exam u wan do what also no people scold you wan..."
But everytime after exam, the things expected were always far off...

And now, after SPM I thought I could go out whenever n wherever i want...
Well, I think I was just too stupid...
Now, going out once a week also get scolded...go out for 1 whole day and countdown for new year also let parents scold like hell...
My family isn't a poor family...more poorer family children even have freedom 10x more than mine...

Jz wanna let out my anger here...

Monday, December 28, 2009

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